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Ways to Give

Why Partner with Stomping Grounds Adult Day Services?

When you partner with us, you can be assured your monetary and product donations will be put to good use. In fact, your generosity will make an immediate impact in the lives of those we serve. In addition to helping to improve your community, corporate sponsorships may offer the following benefits:

1. Bolster Employee Morale. Your corporate sponsorship demonstrates your commitment to your local community, which can lead to a substantial boost in employee morale. A recent study on volunteering found that millennials were two times more likely to rate their corporate culture as “very positive” if the company participated in volunteer activities. Corporate sponsorship opportunities can make your employees feel good about where they work, while increasing their emotional attachment to the organization.

2. Make Your Community a Better Place. Stomping Ground Adult Day Services corporate sponsorships help improve your local community and make a real impact on the lives of those within the community.

3. Increased Marketing. Donations and corporate sponsorships enhance your business’ name and mission in the marketplace and can increase customer loyalty to your brand. Recent polls show that 70% of millennials (who represent over $2.45 trillion in spending power) will spend more patronizing brands and businesses that support causes.

4. Tax Deductions. While most businesses don’t donate with the sole purpose of financial gain, the potential tax benefits of sponsoring Stomping Ground Adult Day Services offer an immediate fiscal reward in the form of tax deductions. Stomping Ground Adult Day Services is a 501(c)3, non-profit with the Internal Revenue Service.

5. Differentiate Your Business. By choosing a unique cause and doing things differently from your competition, you can increase your presence and name recognition in the community. Enhance your brand recognition and expand your potential target market.

Contact Stomping Ground Adult Day Services to learn more about Corporate Partnerships.

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